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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Prepare for the Lord's Return!

Prepare for the Lord's Return!
by Bernarda Fernandez
Sister Barnarda Fernandez was taken on 2 Journeys to Heaven and Hell with Jesus.  She was shown the Heavenly rewards prepared for the Lord's saints, the Rapture, the Great Banquet and the crows of life.  And she saw the condition of the Church, the coming judgments, and the lost souls in Hell.

My First Journey
I was not feeling well that morning, my husband refused to leave me and go to work. I told him that I was not alone. After he left, I felt that I was dying. So I decided to phone some of my friends, and my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law answered: "Bernarda, God will bless you today, do not be afraid." The same answer came from another brother in Christ that I phoned, but he added: "Bernarda get up from your bed and praise the Lord, cry to Him and glorify Him."

In spite of my lack of strength, I cried to the Lord saying: "Lord You are my strength, come and help me." I tried to stand up, but my strength left me. My voice could no longer be heard, but in my soul I was crying to the Lord to help me since I felt like I was dying. 

Suddenly my room was lit up by a light which looked like a fire.  Immediately my fear vanished and I saw angels descending and walking in my room. I could hear them clearly speaking to each other.   Suddenly a marvelous being appeared, more marvelous than any angel. He was dressed in white with a golden sash.  On His chest was written in gold: "FAITHFUL AND TRUE." His face was showing gentleness and Love. Jesus the CHRIST was in front of me, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Blessed be His name!

Jesus approached me, touched my head and told me: "I am Jesus who died for you. Look at these marks in My hands, they are still there for you. I came down from My throne of glory to speak to you; there are many things in your life to put right. You are lazy and quick-tempered. Moreover, I do not want 25% Christian nor 95%, but 100%. If you want to go to heaven, you have to be holy as I myself am holy; I came to take you for a journey."
New York City
I asked Him: "Lord, is it a missionary journey?" He answered "No." Then He took me by my hands, lifted me up, and talked to me with simplicity and Love. He brought me as far as my windows, He looked at the city of New York.  I saw sadness on His face. He wept and said: "My Word is well preached, but people do not listen. The sin of this city has reached My Father."

The city was full of homosexuals; among them were Politicians. The Lord told me: "It's another Sodom, but I am alive and the judgments of My Father will soon fall on this city." Then I knelt before the Lord while crying and He told me: "Do not be afraid. When judgment falls on this world, My Church will no longer be on Earth."

Neraka itu Nyata, Saya Pernah Di Sana!

Neraka itu Nyata,
Saya pernah disana!

Oleh Jennifer Perez
Indoneasian: Hell is real, I went there! by Jennifer Perez
Kesaksiaan seorang gadis 15 tahun yang dibesarkan dari keluarga kristen , kemudian membelakangi dalam perjalanan hidup.. menemukan dirinya overdosis, sekarat, dikirim ke neraka .sangat beruntung, diberikan kesempatan kedua dan misi untuk kembali kedunia memperingatkan yang hilang,pengkhianat dan yang hangat-hangat kuku, dengan peringatan penting.

( Di transkrip dari Audio)
Allah memberkatimu saudara dan saudari, saya mau kamu membuka Alkitab dari Ayub 2 : 28

"Kemudian dari pada itu akan terjad bahwa Aku akan mencurahkan Roh-Ku ke atas semua manusia, maka anak-anakmu laki-laki dan perempuan akan bernubuat; orang-orangmu yang tua akan mendapat mimpi teruna-terunamu akan mendapat penglihatan"

Nama saya Jennifer Perez ,berumur 15 tahun. berat untuk orang muda seperti saya yang datang dan mengenal kesalahan saya. Tetapi dengan bantuan , Roh Kudus, akan membantu saya, dan memberi kekuatan yang saya perlu. Pertama saya mau sampaikan bahwa semua ini untuk Hormat dan kemuliaan Tuhan Yesus Kristus.saya tidak mau katakan suatu doktrin atau buat doktrin apapun yang baru, saya hanya mau ceritakan apa yang telah saya lihat, dengar dan telah rasakan.
Nicky Cruz
Saya mau ceritakan sedikit tentang keluarga saya. Orang tua saya orang Kristen, mereka selalu ajarkan saya contoh yang baik, dan jalan Tuhan. Saya menjadi seorang Kristen 3 tahun yang lalu, ketika saya terima Yesus dengan seorang saudara Nicky Cruze. 2 Tahun saya dijalan Tuhan. Tetapi ketika saya mulai Sekolah Tinggi, saya meninggalkan jalan Tuhan. Saya menentang orang tua saya dan terjerumus kedalam narkoba. Teman-teman sayalah yang mengajarkannya.

Saya berpikir saya telah menjadi Kristen,dan agar supaya teman-teman meneladani dan menjadi Kristen.Ternyata, merekalah yang membawa saya keluar .Saya menentang orang tua saya, dan mereka mengira itu hanya kebiasaan anak yang beranjak dewasa. Tetapi sebetulnya, Narkobalah pelakunya .Iblis masuk kedalam saya. Pada saat saya menentang mereka. Mereka sangat ketat terhadap saya, tidak pernah dibiarkan pergi kemanapun, bahkan tidak membolehkan saya tidur di rumah teman. Secara diam-diam saya akan melakukan sesuatu. Saya bolos sekolah. Saya bahkan tidak pergi kesekolah, Saya sedang berada diambang kehancuran, tetapi Tuhan mengangkat saya keluar dari semuanya itu. Seperti yang saya katakan, Saya telah menjadi seorang Kristen.

Kesaksian saya mulai pada 2 May 1997. Saya punya teman dan teman-teman biasa, tidak lebih. Saya berpikir saya mengenalnya, Tetapi kenyataannya, Tidak. Malam itu, dia menelepon saya dan mengajak keluar . Orang tua saya tidak berada dirumah. Mereka berada diperkumpulan doa, seperti setiap Jumat. Saya katakan pada mereka bahwa saya sakit. Saya marah karena mereka tidak mengijinkan saya keluar walaupun saya katakan saya pergi dengan teman lain. Sewaktu mereka pergi, teman saya menelepon. Dia katakan, “Kenapa kau tidak keluar seperti yang lainnya?" Saya berpikir sebentar, "saya tidak mau melawan orang tua saya, tapi mungkin, secara tersembunyi , orang tua saya tidak pernah akan tahu", dan itulah yang saya buat.

A Message From God (Aldo's Letters)

Aldo McPhersonRetha's Family
by Aldo McPherson

Friday, February 23 2007
Do you know that we will be together in heaven?
Their we will no longer be sick. Every one is healthy and God sits on His throne with His Son next to Him.
He wants to come and get His bride, but she is not ready. She has to lay down her sins,
Because the bride is holy. Mommy, you have to tell the people that we are the Laodicean church. (Revelations 3:14-22)
God will bring His judgment over all who don’t accept Him.
Saturday, February 24 2007
Please be ready when God sends His Son to come fetch us.
It is going to be quicker than we think.
Will you please accept Jesus as your savior, other wise you are going to be too late!
Know for sure that there is a hell, Jesus showed me everything. Believe me; you don’t want to go to hell!
Jesus said, those who accept Him will not be lost.
Heaven is only love and their we will live together with God.
Will you please believe me, and accept Jesus.
You can also be His bride, but you have to lay down your life, PLEASE do it now!
Monday, February 26, 2007
You have to warn the people that the Lord is on His way, and they have to be ready for Him.
Their is a wedding supper waiting for all that are ready. Please read Matthew 25
I Love You Jesus, thank you that You died for me. Love You Spirit of God.
Throw everything out of your house that is not from God, ask the spirit.
Do you know mommy that you are called for God Himself, and that you must live for Him alone.
Who will go and tell the world about Him?
God will heal me, and I will serve Him as long as I live.